real Roads

Lock down series, "roadtrip on the internet"
most Works inspired by surfing the internet while being in different degrees of lock down
most Works inspired by surfing the internet while being in different degrees of lock down

(SOLGT)"ES GIBT VIELE MAUERN ABZU BAUEN" color pencil,84 cm x 45 cm, 2020

"Watching the news in Vienna" color pencil 42 x 26 cm, 2020

WILD FIRE, Color pencil 42 x 26 cm, 2020

(SOLGT) Friendly Fire, Color Pencil, 42 cm x 26 cm 2020

" EAVESDROPPING" Colorpencil 84 cm x 45 cm

"Leak" 30 cm x 16 cm

"Blast in Beirut" 30 cm x 16 cm

"Bilka Roundabout March 11th 2020"
